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Release notes

Invotra 4.15

INVGOV-4.15 Release Notes

Release Components


There are no projects in this release.


1. Option to American(ize) spellings (reference: INVGOV-8090)

We have added the option of changing settings to allow regional and language settings, including the ability to change spellings to an American format.

2. Ticket tracking – make type of content customisable (reference: INVGOV-7809)

We have updated ticket tracking to remove client specific content on tickets and instead make it customisable.

3. Enable Tickets on DfT Sandbox, PreProd and Live (reference: INVGOV-7985)

We have enabled Tickets functionality on all of a client’s environments

4. Existing customers should be moved over to the configurable taxonomy (reference: INVGOV-7872)

We have moved existing customers over to the configurable taxonomy from hardcoded values for ticket types.7

5. Component select box on ticket reports (reference: INVGOV-7871)

We have updated the Component select box on ticket reports to no longer use the hardcoded values and display only the ticket type terms in alphabetical order.

6. Type of content combobox should use taxonomy term  (reference: INVGOV-7870)

We have updated the ‘Type of content’ select box on ticket creation to display the terms from the ticket type taxonomy.

7. Admin panel should adopt ticket type taxonomy  (reference: INVGOV-7869)

We have updated the ticket tracking admin panel to be categorised by taxonomy instead of hard-coded values.

8. Ticket type taxonomy  (reference: INVGOV-7868)

We have created a new taxonomy for tickets.

Accessible Experience

There are currently no Accessible Experience tasks in this release.

Help / Documentation

There are currently no Help / Documentation tasks in this release.


*Bugs marked with an asterisk are relating to Live incidents

*9. Ideas App – dashboard data incorrect (reference: INVGOV-7735)

We fixed an issue where the ideas dashboard data did not correlate with existing ideas.

*10. Ideas App – dashboard data incorrect (reference: INVGOV-7794)

We fixed an issue with the Site Section drop-down on the node creation and editing page which displayed an incorrect hierarchy.

11. Error while installing invotra_standard profile (reference: INVGOV-8123)

We fixed an error which occurred while installing invotra_standard profile.

12. Incorrect Global Author permissions (reference: INVGOV-8121)

We fixed an issue which caused the Global Author to have incorrect permissions making them able to edit any content and to access revisions.

*13. Display issue on search results on mobile (reference: INVGOV-8115)

We fixed an issue on mobile which caused elements to overlap on the display when on search pages.

14. Search dropdown does not collapse when focus is lost (reference: INVGOV-8112)

We fixed an issue which caused the search dropdown to be stuck in the drop-down position and not to collapse when a user tabs through a page.

*15. INC6077944  Simple Search Widget Issue (reference: INVGOV-8111)

We fixed an issue with the simple search widget which caused an ‘internet redirection’ and an error message to be displayed rather than redirecting a user to the content search page.

*16. Minimum keyword character from app pages (reference: INVGOV-8110)

We have removed the minimum number of characters which need to be entered for keyword searches within apps to enable searches for items with less than 3 characters.

17. Private/secret group non-member can see beginning of private/secret post if mentioned (reference: INVGOV-8008)

We fixed an issue which allowed users who were not members of a private and secret group to see the beginning of posts from private and secret groups if the user was mentioned in the post.

18. “Empty” team is being displayed when searching for users (reference: INVGOV-8107)

We fixed an issue which caused an “empty” filter to appear under the team filter when it should appear as “None” when a searching for a user with the toolbar search.

*19. INC6034128 – Unable to override link title of sections in search highlights (reference: INVGOV-8103)

We fixed an issue with search highlights which made a user unable to override the title, or link text, of a link if the link is for a site section.

*20. INC6175647  User management screen – incorrect last accessed times. (reference: INVGOV-8017)

We fixed an issue with the User management screen which was displaying incorrect last accessed times.

*21. Issues with Ampersand in Locations in user profile (reference: INVGOV-8067)

We fixed an issue with user profiles which caused an ampersand to display as & a m p instead of only an ampersand under the Locations field.

*22. Image widget causes page misalignment (reference: INVGOV-8083)

We fixed an issue with the image widget which caused pages to be displayed out of alignment, with images being displayed within the comments container.

*23. Cancel report is not available for messages (reference: INVGOV-8084)

We fixed an issue with message wall which caused users to be unable to cancel a report on a message they had previously selected to report.

24. Selecting custom content type leads to old search page (reference: INVGOV-8130)

We fixed an issue which caused a user to be redirected to the old search page when they selected a custom content type name from /invotra/settings/configuration/custom-content-types.

*25. Table in the WYSIWYG not displaying correctly. (reference: INVGOV-8136)

We fixed an issue with the tables when using the WYSIWYG which caused the columns in the table to be reduced, with padding and spacing removed, when the node was saved and the table is displayed.

*26. Site Section field choices not listing in correct order (reference: INVGOV-8077)

We fixed an issue with Site Section field choices which were not listing in correct order, by weighting or alphabetical order.

*27. Taxonomy term moved to new parent but URL from old parent relationship has not redirected (reference: INVGOV-7900)

We fixed an issue with moving a site section from one parent to another or renaming a site section where the URL had not changed and the old url did not redirect to the new.

*28. INC0577985 – Ideas App – The data extract for an admin user contains garbled/repeated fields. (reference: INVGOV-7902)

We fixed an issue with exporting ideas which caused garbled or repeated fields to be displayed as the export contained suggested data that should not have been present,

*29. Searches is returning archived content, even when the archived facet is not selected (reference: INVGOV-7906)

We fixed an issue with searches from the toolbar search box, the search widget and search box on the search results screen which were returning content from archived sections and surfacing incorrect data.

*30. INC6201150 – Accessibility – notification (reference: INVGOV-7995)

We have fixed accessibility issues with notifications including adding a visually invisible link value instead of just aria-label to help navigation and removing aria-live attributes which should not be present.

*31. INC0612540 User not appearing as team admin when they should be (reference: INVGOV-8018)

We fixed an issue which caused users that had been assigned the ‘Team admin’ role to fail to appear as the team admin of the given team.

*32. Webmaster incorrectly have access to panelizer config for site sections within content search  (reference: INVGOV-8104)

We fixed an issue which caused webmasters to incorrectly have access to the panelizer configuration for site sections within a content search when access should only be available from the facet configuration page.

33. Feed message is triggered when a user adds content to a restricted site section  (reference: INVGOV-8139)

We fixed an issue, for customers with the Restricted Section PO enabled, which caused a feed message to be incorrectly triggered when a user added content to a restricted site section.

34. Search highlights don’t show default names of site sections with custom names  (reference: INVGOV-8193)

We fixed an issue with search highlights with site sections without custom titles which caused the site section to be listed in without a title.

35. Search highlights don’t list custom names assigned to content nodes  (reference: INVGOV-8192)

We fixed an issue with search highlights which caused search results to be listed with their original titles when a custom title was assigned to a content node within a list.

*36. Trashcan icon to delete is missing  (reference: INVGOV-8191)

We fixed an issue within edit profile and content pages which caused the trashcan icon to delete an image to be missing where images had previously been added.

37. Old tickets not returned when filtered from admin panel  (reference: INVGOV-8160)

We fixed an issue with ticketing which caused old tickets not to be displayed when the ticket taxonomy they are assigned to was selected from the tickets admin panel.

38. Clicking ticket taxonomy returns incorrect title  (reference: INVGOV-8080)

We fixed an issue with the ticket tracking admin panel which returned a page titled “New requests” when a user clicking one of the links on the right-hand side of the panel, rather than reflecting the link clicked.

39. Horizon is referenced during support ticket creation on DfT  (reference: INVGOV-8069)

We fixed an issue with tickets where a clients name is referenced during support ticket creation.


There are currently no performance tasks in this release.


There are currently no logging tasks in this release.

API/ Data Import

There are currently no API/ Data Import tasks in this release.

Automated Tests

40. Create unit tests to check Invotra Admin pages (reference: INVGOV-8125)

We have created unit tests to check Invotra Admin pages.

41. Update output of queries – Convert to csv and json (reference: INVGOV-8187)

We have restructured and updated the output of the data from queries that we have recently built out.


There are currently no search tasks in this release.


42. Drupal Security Updates  (reference: INVGOV-8145)

We have applied the latest Drupal Security updates.

Our Intranet software is always evolving

Through our regular release cycle, Invotra’s intranet software is always evolving.

From accessibility to UI, security to enhanced social networking, our team are continually looking for ways to improve our intranet platform.

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