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An intranet and extranet designed with all users in mind​

Features such as profiles, banners and add buttons pictured

Your intranet needs provide solutions to the problems faced by all of your employees, in any role. Invotra address the issues your department leaders face in engaging and motivating their teams, while maintaining policies for security and organisational values and brand. Our intranet and extranet offer features and support to help with digital transformation in any role you or your employees hold. 

Keep up with security challenges and protect business data from security vulnerabilities while engaging your employees with relevant, up to date business knowledge and documentation. 

Explore our solutons for Chief Technology Officers

Intranet security - hero graphic
A sample blog page with cut outs from the WYSIWYG, a group post and message from message wall, plus the create blog button

Ensure your stakeholders are engaged with well-timed, accessible and informative content with our digital workplace features while overcoming any security concerns and technical complications you may have.

Learn more about our solutions for Directors of Corporate Communications 

Offering a solution that ‘fits all’, Invotra offers Directors of HR an intranet that encorporates a positive user experience, boosts productivity, increases collaboration and communications as well as being secure and having an intelligent way to search the masses of information and content that is going to be stored on it.

Find out how Invotra provides solutions for Directors of HR

Analytics page from Matomo

Our detailed dashboards, including custom reports and graphs, allow your analytics team and users to collaborate in creating an innovative and engaging intranet. Each of our social apps provides a dashboard page and all content allows for interaction such as liking or rating, so that your users can easily feedback their experiences.

Discover how our analytics features support the Information Analysts role

Deliver confident, engaging and well-timed communications across your organisation with an Invotra intranet which delivers all of the content types you need for formal communication, whilst opening up informal collaboration with our range of social apps and features such as @mentioning, commenting and rating to ensure your colleagues feel part of their intranet experience. 

See how Internal Communicators can engage and inform workplaces with our intranet

Communicating and collaborating apps and integrations with posts and polls from groups and message wall pictured
Applications that Invotra integrates with including g suite, google analytics, jira, aws, microsoft teams, salesforce, office, xero, mailchimp, eventbrite and survey monkey

Overcome problems with implementation, due to lack of time, resources or expertise, and ongoing challenges with scaling and evolving use. Our product not only offers an easy to use, engaging intranet for your content and employees, our APIs and custom connectors ensure interaction and integration with all your other systems, allow you to surface real-time data and act as an interface to more complicated business applications.

Discover Invotra’s digital transformation solutions for Technical Architects